Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives



“Algebraic and geometric domain decomposition for subsurface flow”. The project aims at developing high performance software for the simulation of two phase flow in porous media. It specifically targets parallel computers where each node is itself composed of a large number of processing cores, such as are found in new generation many-core architectures. The project had its intermediate review in December 2016, and received excellent marks from the expert panel.

The partners are Hiepacs , Laboratoire Analyse, Géométrie et Application, University Paris 13, Maison de la Simulation, and ANDRA. SERENA representants are M. Kern (grant leader) and M. Vohralík, period 2014–2017.


“Geometrical approach for porous media flows: theory and numerics”. A new approach to numerical methods for multiphase simulations based on the concept of gradient flows is investigated. With Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, University Pierre and Marie Curie. SERENA representant is M. Vohralík, period 2013–2017.


“Original optimized object-oriented numerical model for heterogeneous hydrogeology”. The project H2MNO4 develops numerical models for reactive transport in heterogeneous media. The objective is to design both Eulerian and Lagrangian models. Three applications are concerned: freshwater supply, remediation of mine drainage, and waste geological disposal. The project relies on a consortium of six partners, involving four public research laboratories (Inria, Geosciences Rennes, University of Lyon 1, University of Poitiers, Pprime Institute), one public institution (ANDRA), and one enterprise (ITASCA). International collaborations are pursued with University of San Diego (USA) and UPC (Spain). SERENA representant is G. Pichot, period 2012–2016.


“Hybrid high-order methods on polyhedral meshes”, Theoretical foundations and applications (up to software development) for the recently-devised Hybrid high-order methods. Coordinated by D. Di Pietro, University of Montpellier. SERENA representant is A. Ern, period 2015–2019.


“Computer and Computational Sciences at Exascale”. This is an Inria Project Lab (IPL). This national initiative aims at the development of numerical modeling methodologies that fully exploit the processing capabilities of modern massively parallel architectures in the context of a number of selected applications related to important scientific and technological challenges for the quality and the security of life in our society. This project supported in particular the Ph.D. of N. Birgle in the framework of the InriaANDRA collaboration.